Akothee comes out to strongly defend presenters and DJs… mention names of presenters and DJs who have personally helped her - Priority10News | East Africa News
Tuesday, March 18.
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    Akothee comes out to strongly defend presenters and DJs… mention names of presenters and DJs who have personally helped her

    Akothee comes out to strongly defend presenters and DJs... mention names of presenters and DJs who have personally helped her

    While some musicians claim presenters and DJs are to be blamed for impeding the growth of Kenyan music, Akothee says it’s the same presenters and DJs who held her hands and helped become who she is today.
    The controversial songbird says Mzazi Willy M Tuva discovered her while he had gone for Mseto tour in Rongo. She first reveals that Mzazi helped her organized her first media tour in Tanzania.
    “I released my first single in 2014 , I dint know anything about airplay, I was just having fun, I organised a show with afew djs I knew already @kaytrixx_ke was very supportive then, when I released my second single Pashe I met @mzaziwillytuva in Rongo when he had come for mseto East Africa in Rongo university, I played the song for him and he was like when you come to nairobi make sure you come to club tribeka, so we clicked from there, the only presenter I knew was @mzaziwillytuva , I was very ambituos, so I asked him to organise for me a media tour in tanzania, and because I dint have a manager I asked him to come witt me , then I did my first media tour with only 2 songs in tanzania, East Africa Tv, @skytanzania and @djtass treated me well, climbing the ladder I kept relationship with everyone I was introduced too by @mzaziwillytuva , he invited me to campus tour which made me realise my potential,” said Akothee.

    Have personal touch with your business
    Akothee also sent a message to fellow musicians whining about presenters and DJs not doing enough to push Kenyan music. She says that musicians need to developed a close relationship with presenters and DJ so they can come in handy when organizing music projects like media tours, concerts which all aim at promoting Kenyan music.
    “We Kenyan artists must learn the industry and how to live with people on this streets, have personal touch with your business, I organise my own media tour I call presenters and djs personally before the manager comes in, its my shit its my business,” wrote Akothee.

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