Confusion as black cat walks into Kenyan parliament and MPs start begging for a religious leader - Priority10News | East Africa News
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    Confusion as black cat walks into Kenyan parliament and MPs start begging for a religious leader

    Confusion as black cat walks into Kenyan parliament and MPs start begging for a religious leader (video)

    We all know some of the superstitious things black cats are attached to in Kenya.
    Many people are always quick to associate the animal with witchcraft and genies. So when one was spotted recently during a parliament proceeding, MPs couldn’t keep calm and just ignore the poor animal.
    Millie Odhiambo and Aden Duale had to disrupt the proceeding after spotting the cat saying that religious leaders should be called in to cleans the house.
    “Honourable chair, I am worried that there is a stranger in the House,” said Millie.
    “Which stranger, can you point out?” wondered Jessica Mbalu.
    “That is actually what is worrying me Chair,” responded Millie, adding, “Chair we are just hearing sounds of a cat and we cannot see it. That is more worrisome than when you see the cat because that could be a spirit. Which means that the House should be evacuated with immediate effect.”

    Represents Kenyans

    Duale had a very surprising view about the cat saying that it’s behaving like a section of Kenyans.
    “This cat is representing a section of the people of Kenya and I think we should continue and I am sure if somebody says the house didn’t sit when the cameras are done no need to chase, they need to feed. This cat was here yesterday also, so we need to feed it and don’t play around with a black cat. I am sure the guys from the coast will tell us more,” said Duale.

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