Rapist gang writes letter threatening pregnant Nairobi woman they raped while she was on her way to hospital to deliver - Priority10News | East Africa News
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    Rapist gang writes letter threatening pregnant Nairobi woman they raped while she was on her way to hospital to deliver


    A pregnant woman was gang raped in Nairobi on Sunday, November 4th 2018 while she was on her way to the hospital to give birth.
    The woman was accosted by two men while she was on her way to hospital, she was in company of her daughter who had just completed her KCPE.
    The two men raped the pregnant lady in turns as her daughter watched in horror. They threatened to kill the girl if she screamed for help. The shocking incident was reported on social media by Facebook page Mtetezi wa Wanyonge.
    Death threat
    The two-man rapist gang has since written to the woman threatening to kill her for reporting the incident to police officers. Hesy Wa Dandora shared the threat letter which he says was delivered to the woman by garbage collectors.
    Hesy called on all crime-busters to spring to action to ensure the two daring criminals who raped the pregnant woman are brought to book.
    So they raped the lady as it was illustrated by #Mtetezi_Wa_Wanyonge, kile kimefwata sasa ni kuandikia victim a threatening letter then garbage collector ndio alikuwa messenger: it has now forced the lady(rape victim) to relocate to somewhere else for her safety: like seriously, hehehehe, sawa 2! Hessy Wa Kayole, Saigon Purnisher, Kwena Sarah, Blackest Widow, Maliza Crime Mtaani, Mpenda Amani, Crime Ditector, Crime Stopper, Baba Mateli, Ek Masai #TeamBuilding, mmeona iiii maneno kweli?
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