Juliet Ibrahim Feeds 5,000 Street Kids In Nigeria - Priority10News | East Africa News
Thursday, March 13.
  • Breaking News

    Juliet Ibrahim Feeds 5,000 Street Kids In Nigeria


    Actress, Juliet Ibrahim does charity work. She fed 5,000 children on the streets of over the weekend. This was part of charity works by her NGO, Juliet Ibrahim Foundation.
    Moreover, she hosted a fundraising ‘Halloween-themed’ party in Nigerian Therefore, the actress immediately put the money raised to good use.
    She took to her Instagram account, to share a photo of herself busy sharing food to the street children
    It was a great afternoon spent with so many kindhearted people that came together with one mission to feed 5000 street kids. Thanks to everyone who supported, contributed, and joined us today. God bless us all. #escape5000 #charity @dukeofspadesfoundation @dukeofspadess @julietibrahimfoundation @sonnia_agu @rogerstimi @escapelagos @theladybants @ghostgrammy 
    The actress was recently in the news after breaking up with Nigerian rapper Iceberg Slim
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