Hilarious reactions after architect reveals he was inspired by the shape of a donkey’s penis to come up with the design of KICC
Kenyans online were left in shock after architect revealed he was inspired by the shape of a donkey’s penis to design the most iconic building in the country – Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC).
In an interview with Citizen TV, Kenya’s first African Chief Architect David Mutiso explained that founding president was thrilled by the final design of the 28-storey building after rejecting several designs presented to him.
“They wanted to build a headquarter for KANU. We started sketching, initially it was a simple four-storey building, it evolved with time. Every time we showed the President, he asked us to go higher,” said David Mutiso.
Kenyans on Twitter quickly poked fun at the icon building following Mutiso’s baffling revelation. See some of the reactions below:
Taking photos at KICC. I confirm this man will never sleep. pic.twitter.com/1hXhRdxlYh— Njoroge (@MasterNjoroge) October 8, 2018
This is what inspired the KICC design pic.twitter.com/1hfOhGWkgH— JuaCali (@juacaliGenge) October 9, 2018
KICC Close enough? pic.twitter.com/QVi4Yg5PTG— UNDERRATED NINJA (@iamjoseh_) October 8, 2018
Ezekiel Mutua when he realizes what KICC was modeled after. pic.twitter.com/6n7VsdTN1t— #MUFCholic (@Timo_Utd) October 8, 2018
I just don’t want to know what inspired this design. I just wanna watch football. KICC is enough for today. pic.twitter.com/sRAV4sCSxL— Ahmed Mohamed (@Asmali77) October 8, 2018
How about this church in Dixon, Illinois #KICC pic.twitter.com/hG7HCEug0V— Suleiman (@suleimanfarah) October 8, 2018
The Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) pic.twitter.com/4jSdLuug3X— Martin Tairo (@mmtairo) October 8, 2018
Chinatheirs with balls KICC#MigoriDecides pic.twitter.com/y3lX1auTN7— DNB DENO (@DENODNB) October 8, 2018
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