Amanda Jissih Throws Shots At Event Organisers - Priority10News | East Africa News
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    Amanda Jissih Throws Shots At Event Organisers

    Amanda Jissih Throws Shots At Event Organisers

    TV and radio presenter, Amanda Jissih takes event organisers to task. In an Instagram post, she called out people in the industry. Moreover, she made some wild and damning allegation against her former work colleague, Merqury Quaye.
    Amanda alleges that Merqury robbed her of an award she deserved based on the conversation she had with him prior to the organization of the awards.
    Furthermore, she stated that she won’t waste her time and money to attend the Dj awards because of what he did.
    Also, she used the post to address Kelvin, the organizer of the Ghana Events Awards. She states that Kelvin should have been courteous to call her when he nominated her for the awards because he has her number rather than tag her in a Facebook post.

    Amanda Jissih about Mercury Quaye, event organisers

    “Lately, when u get nominated for an award, it’s either a friend or the organization tags u on social media. No phone calls, text or emails.
    Kevin, the organizer of the EVENTS AWARDS or so is a friend of mine. Someone who has my number n knows where to find me but I got facebook tags only for bn nominated. For three weeks, I was off Facebook n niggas will later act all hurt for not attending n supporting.
    Oh yes!!! Almost forgot how Kevin praised me for number of votes I got last year at his event .SMH 
    Same shit happened when my own colleague, mercury at hitzfm nominated me for best Female Dj of the year. Nigga told me that he knows I deserve the award but he just can’t give me cuz we r colleagues. Why the fuck do u nominate me then?
    I went on air after bn ROBBED n made it clear that I won’t waste my time n money to attend the Dj awards because of what he said. He got pissed n acted funny till date but forgot the free interviews n support I gave him on tv. 
    some award bi that I received mpo di3 hmm the DStv decoder box had cups n towel it. 😂😂😂😂
    This one Ayigbe Edem’ song “efie fou)” kraa had nothing to do with it. 
    Just got BK from work,I am very sleepy nti later.
    Today is for awards
    Another day will tell u alot Abt Prince Tsegah n knowing him from when I was a teenager. N All that happened at Ashaiman . Before n After Sariki’s show. Everything that happened. Everything is everything. In n out. The interns sef get dema own. 
    I am not a saint so if u wanna mess or fuck with me, be an angel!
    I sin everyday of my life n that is why I judge nobody.”

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