MCM: Top 5 Hottest Male Artistes in Ugandan Music History
It’s Monday and we are sharing our top 5 Man crushes to ever exist on the Ugandan Music scene.
1. Micheal Ross
If you don’t remember how hot Micheal Ross was, then you were not a teenage girl in Uganda in the early 2000s. This guy was every girls fantasy and boy did make the rounds. Where ever you are Micheal, we miss your Abs!
2. Navio
Mann… This fresh outta South Africa boy hit the scene like no man’s business and melted girls’ brains. All light skinned and a rich kid, he sure did make girls daydream of being his girlfriend however only St Lawrence levels were his type.
3. Ykee Benda
He didn’t seem like much when he made his debut with ‘Farmer’ but when he remodeled with the bald head look, he has been getting long stares. I mean who doesn’t like a sweet voiced bald headed man.
4. Tonix
From way back when he was still a school boy making ear catching music to this day with “Romance”, tonix is not just a sweet voice but a pretty face too. He did get his fair share of the ladies plus many babies so we can comfortably say he has lived a full life.
5. Maurice Kirya
Of course we have to save the best for last! His tagline should be “melting ovaries since 2000”. Since making his debut on the music scene, Kira has been nothing but women’s wine and coupled with his entincing Soul music, he broke the hotness charts. He is the true definition of Ageless beauty as he just gets finer with time.
We can give you Bald kirya, deadlocked kirya, Afro Kirya and whichever way he is served, he is still a whole meal. Relax ladies there’s enough for all of us to share.
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