MC Kats Joins Podium - Priority10News | East Africa News
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    MC Kats Joins Podium

    MC Kats Joins Podium

    We heard rumors that City Socialite, Bryan White is loading new recruits on the podium, but we weren’t aware of who is next. News has it that one of Kampala’s hottest Mcs MC Kats, has joined the money bag.
    During his show, After 5 Yesterday, he hosted the Big spender to talk about his planned trip to Arua. Our sources educate us that the socialite, Bryan Kirumira aka Bryan White, dropped a whole five million Ugandan shillings bundle in the hands of the presenter. The re-known TV personality dropped the microphone, and his excitement led him to close the show, leaving the fans salivating for the dime.
    Bryan promised us that his comeback would be memorable, and we are seeing all the possible signs. He is taking the money to preach the gospel of avoiding poverty among the youth.

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